GUI programming links
By Wolfgang Keller
Originally written 2018-07-10
Last modified 2021-02-13
- Windows:
- If you do not want to use WinAPI directly, but are also hesistant of using Qt, there also exist more thin wrappers for the WinAPI:
- One wrapper that was historically used a lot was MFC. Because it uses coding practises that are rather outdated, I would not recommend using it for new development.
- WTL is a wrapper for WinAPI that is used, for example, by Google Chome
(cf. The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
[visited 2018-07-10T16:01:54Z]).
An introduction to WTL named “WTL for MFC Programmers” can be found at Code Project:
Two additional WTL tutorials by Michael Dunn:
A tutorial on how to create Ribbons using WTL: